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0.24 Beta is here!
March 18, 2022
Flying Monkey Army
It's been a long time coming, but the beta is finally here! All 5 levels of play are finished, the final boss is here, there's some new music, and a whole bunch of tweaks. The whole game is "beatable"...
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Lot's of new updates!
February 21, 2022
Flying Monkey Army
The new v0.23 comes with massive updates! New enemies! New bosses! New weapons! New missions! There are tons of bunches under the hood as well, including performance improvements and stability updates...
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v0.22 is out!
January 31, 2022
Flying Monkey Army
Just added the first concept for skill levels. There are now two to choose from: "Weekend Warrior" and 'Galactic Hero". Test your skills on both modes!...
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Updates for 0.20
January 30, 2022
Flying Monkey Army
There's been a lot of work in this one. Any options you change in the options menu should now be remembered between runs! Toggle fullscreen, set you audio volumes, and the game will keep it the way yo...
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New Updates for 0.19
January 30, 2022
Flying Monkey Army
Just released a few patches! There were some issues with the garbage collection on certain machines. If your game seems to stutter every few moments, you can now run it from the command line with a --...
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Phantom Joystick
January 29, 2022
Flying Monkey Army
Some folks were having issues with phantom joysticks popping up in the game. I just released patch 0.17 which should address this problem. It now tries to detect if an input device is a gamepad or not...
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